Sunday, 23 April 2017

Lorn - Acid Rain

Daylight/Bad dreams/It's a cool world/With cruel things
Hang tight/All you/Nothing like a big bad bridge to go burning through

The lyrics suggest suicidal themes, phrases such as "Hang tight" and "Bridge to go burning through", this suggests these themes are attached to the main female who is the focus of the video, this suggests that the main girl could have committed suicide, bringing her fellow cheerleaders with her. This is emphasised by the fact that she features in a 4 second clip at the end alone, her wounds are more visible and her sad expression can be seen, perhaps guilt?

The girls all dance in a very jagged, jerky motion, as if to show their bones breaking, or being twisted into unnatural positions. This represents the fact that they were all in the car crash together before you even see the final shot of them together. They also all leave the diner through different ways, with only the main girl leaving through the 'EXIT' sign. This suggests that perhaps she was the only one who died.

The iconography and mise en scene of the environment and the car suggests the era could be somewhere around the 60's. The diner and the car are very old fashioned, classic american iconography, however it cannot be earlier than the 60's as 'Little Tree' air fresheners were made in 55.

The reasoning behind the suicidal themes could relate to the era, for instance, the main female is seen twice clutching at her stomach. Not that this isn't abnormal since she was in a car accident, but she is also doing it in the slow zoom in front of the pool; attention is drawn to it since she stands so still and stares directly at the camera. This may suggest that she was perhaps pregnant, and unsure of what to do about it, as in the 60's abortion was a highly taboo topic, and being a single mother was almost impossible to do.

The fact that she is black may also be a reason she was drawn to suicide; the artist Lorn, has described in the past that he had been a victim of racism, so he may have deliberately cast an ethnic minority (for that time) to illustrate this issue.

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