Editing types from Willow Collins on Vimeo.
My editing types video includes an establishing shot, shot, reverse shot, 180 degree rule, 30 degree rule, parallel editing, match on action and the Kulescher Effect.
Establishing shot shows an environment or time, shot reverse shot establishes peoples position in a conversation. The 180 and 30 degree rule display variations in surroundings so as to keep a conversation between to people from becoming boring, with the exception to the 30 degree rule which has a smaller moving distance in terms of where you can film relative to the subject. Parallel editing gives a sense of time and match on action creates continuity in a scene. The kulescher effect is a way of portraying a subject in two different ways with the same footage.
My footage i found to be quite confusing, i had to use some footage for the wrong effect as i did not gather enough. This is shown in my 180/30 degree rule clips, they both appear the same because they essentially are. Luckily, i had video evidence from films to demonstrate the effect more clearly.
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